5 Types of Consultancy Businesses – Startup Ideas

This is one kind of business which doesn’t require lot of money to start, your expertise in the field is enough to take you places. So what work do consultancies do is this article all about. According to a study published in 2012 by First Research,worldwide, the consulting industry takes in $300 billion annually.  How well – and how large a fee you command – depends on your industry expertise  individual skill level, and how well you market yourselves.

What is consultancy?consultancy-services

Consultancy services provide expert advice in areas of interest. Now so many consultancy service providers are available in the country starting from career guidance, management of change, re-orientation of business, product planning… any area in which one needs service and guidance shall be given by the consultancy agency against payment. Earlier days we get expert opinion from elders and teachers, now the area of requirement is large and the intensity of each given situation is high and hence the relevance of consultancy. Aim of a consultancy is to help the companies achieve their goals.


1. HR / ManPower Consultancy company profile  – 

It covers National/international, cross industry Recruitment,  HR Audit, Job Evaluation, Performance Appraisal, Personnel Policies and Procedures, Recruitment Services. Provide employees on temporary basis Provide skilled & unskilled labor. Offer solutions to the clients regarding the efficient use of manpower and cost cutting measures they can employ. Steps to setup HR Consultancy

2. IT Consultancy company profile –

Lot of big companies in India comes in this category, like Infosys, Wipro, Tata Consultancy Services and many more. And this has a wide profile too, like Management and Operation of IT systems, IT Strategy – Development and review, Infrastructure Strategy – Development and review, Business Continuity Planning, Client-side representation, Contractual and Legal guidance can go on.

3. Management Consultancy company profile –

This covers wide range of consultancies like Strategic and Operational Planning for the client company, Financial Management, Profit Planning, Project Administration/Management Contracts and Proposals, Office Administration. Employee Training and leadership management. www.righttrackconsultancy.co.uk.

4. Marketing Consultancy company Profile –

As a Marketing consultant you are expected to do Research and Analytics, Brand Development, Strategic Planning, Product Development, Audience Management, online and offline Marketing, PR, Diagnosis and systemize the Processes, handle International Business. Help your client to identify the market segment, do proper positioning and targeting, form a pricing strategy and set up an evaluation process.

5. Legal and accounting Consultancy company profile –

You are responsible to handle company’s all of the legal aspects like registrations, licences, contracts, deals, agreements,insurance, sales, acquisitions and taxes. Evaluate the Asset, risk and investment of the company, Book keeping, accounting, balance sheets, profit and loss, internal and general audits.

This cover a very top level classification of consultancy firms  but each of the categories can have sub-category and you can provide your own niche services very specific to your skills and expertise.

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One comment

  1. I want to start my business but i have not much capital. i am marketing professional. what type of business is better for start up with low investment