Survey Anyplace

Company Name : Survey Anyplace

Description : Entertaining surveys, serious results
Company Overview : Survey Anyplace is a web-based tool providing a survey tool that works on all devices and browsers.

The company was founded in 2011 and has been improving its service ever since. They invested a lot of effort in the development of mobile surveys which are fun and interactive to take. To achieve this they used gamification techniques, and all sorts of question types to increase interest and participation rate among respondents. The tool has a free trial option which allows users to discover all the features themselves.
Homepage URL:
Industry : Marketing
Number of Employees : 7
Location : Schoenmarkt 35 2000 Antwerp
Key People : Stefan Debois, Mark Penson
Social Links
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Survey Anyplace improves your data collection by improving your surveys. Most surveys today overlook the respondent’s experience, which is why they produce low response rates. Our modern-looking surveys entice respondents, and are easy to interact with, using the latest mobile features–just like your audience. And you get more and better feedback!

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