Promote Your Business through Online and Print media

Every business owner wants to be ahead of the game when it comes to marketing. Obviously, the more avenues that you are able to go down in terms of promoting your business, the further your reach will be and the more interest you will be able to generate amongst potential customers. With the now all-encompassing nature of the internet and social media sites, a whole new host of powerful and cost effective marketing platforms are emerging, allowing businesses to promote their goods and services like never before. Smarter business people will also be maintaining a presence through more traditional marketing routes as well, ensuring that their business has total coverage across a wide variety of print and web-based media. Below are a few techniques, both old an new, which are essential for successfully marketing your business today.

Social Media Sites

Social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter are amongst the most visited web sites worldwide. Therefore, in order to keep up with the times and ensure that your business is getting the best possible chance at success, promoting yourself on social media sites is absolutely essential. The first step of course, is to set up a page on Facebook and Twitter, detailing as much as possible about your business and what it provides. If your business has some money to play with, you may very well want to consider advertising on these sites as well, which will in turn draw more people to your page. Another fantastic way to generate more interest in your business using social media sites, is to hold regular prize giveaways. If you offer a potential prize to those who ‘like’ and share your Facebook page, it will spread the reach of your online advertising ten fold. And besides the cost of your prize, this effective method of advertising is completely free of charge.

Look to Local Media

Another great way to promote your business is to use local media such as newspapers, radio or even local television stations. Being that local businesses benefit the local community, local media are generally always keen to promote them, so you shouldn’t have to fight too hard to get decent coverage at an affordable price. It is worth contacting the business editor at local newspapers to see if they are able to write a feature about you. Likewise, if your business has a story to tell, you may also find that local radio or even television is willing to listen.

Spread the Word with Print

If you are serious about promoting your business, the chances are you will have a good social media presence and in the case of local businesses, will have put yourself out there within the community media outlets as much as possible. However you should not forget the value of very traditional advertising methods such posters and flyers. Not everyone uses the internet or watches television, so it is important to invest a small amount in promoting your business in a manner than everyone will notice. Fortunately, there are now many printing companies based online, such as, who are able to produce high quality flyers and posters at a very affordable price.

About Sangeeta

CEO & Founder StartupFreak, Economics & Marketing is her favorite subject and focuses on helping small and medium enterprise to set up their business online

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