
Company Name : Holidayen

Description : Holidayen helps travelers create and plan the perfect trip in seconds
Company Overview : Holidayen provides personalized recommendations on sights and activities based on the preferences of the user, and the automatic itinerary builder creates an optimized route for every single day of the trip. Users can carry their trip plans on their smartphones or tablets, and share with friends.
While they currently offer trip planning services to 30 major destinations all over the world, their focus is on travelers to Europe and Asia, who account for 75% of global inbound tourists. They have partnered with Expedia and Viator to provide a wide range of stay and activity choices, and currently have 3000 attractions and activities in their database.
Homepage URL:
Industry : Hospitality/Travel
Number of Employees : 5
Location : Buffalo, NY
Key People : Tarun Madan
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