Facebook reaches 901 million users, 4 crore in India

facebook 900 million usersLet me first explain in Indian terms

10 Lakhs = 1 Million

100 Lakhs = 1crore

100 crore = 1 billion

That makes facebook with 90 crore users. Do you know India’s population?

Its 124 crore.  With internet penetration at 10% we have only 12 crore internet users with only 4.5 crore Facebook users as of DEC 2011 statistics. If Broadband rate comes down India may be able to achieve better internet penetration. According to ICRIER report India’s GDP grows 1% for every 10% internet users.

Facebook’s operating cost is increasing and profits are decreasing. Imagine what would happen if China with 134 crore population allows Facebook in its country.

Facebook is expected to release an IPO on 16th May tentatively.

About Sangeeta

CEO & Founder StartupFreak, Economics & Marketing is her favorite subject and focuses on helping small and medium enterprise to set up their business online

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